Wyświetlanie 65–80 z 127 wyników

MeteoHelix IoT Pro (201907)

Exceeding WMO accuracy standards has never been so easy and affordable. Designed for measurement precision and ease of use, MeteoHelix IoT weather stations offer professional research grade accuracy meeting World Meteorological Organization standards.


MeteoRain 200 Compact (202006)

MeteoRain™ 200 Compact uses a self-balancing measuring principle. It offers high resistance to error producting effects as found in most rain gauges.


MeteoRain IoT Compact (202006)

Wireless MeteoRain™ IoT Compact features a self-balancing measuring mechanism with very high repeatability of measurement and accuracy even at highrain rates.


MeteoWind 2 (201710)

Anemometer with a wind vane. Exceeds WMO and MEASNET Class 1 accuracy standards for meteorology & wind resource assessment.


MeteoWind Compact (201908)

Compact anemometer and wind direction vane sensor with ultra-low power, lightning protection & no dead spot. Meets all WMO measurement standards.


MeteoWind IoT Pro (202002)

Compact anemometer and wind direction vane sensor with ultra-low power & no dead spot. Meets all World Meteorological Organization (WMO) measurement standards of measurement.



MiniMETOS SOIL is a combination of most essential sensors for irrigation and stress management.


Par quantum – PESSL Instruments

Promieniowanie czynne fotosyntetyczne zwykle mierzone jest w gęstości strumienia fotosyntetycznych fotonów, którego jednostki to fotony na jednostkę czasu na jednostkę powierzchni.


Latest weighing technology combined with a self-emptying precision tipping bucket allows the rain[e]one a high resolution and high precision at a very small construction volume.