The CropVIEW®, is a camera system with integrated electronics (camera, modem, power source with solar panel). It can be installed wherever in the field needed.
Wyświetlanie wszystkich wyników: 13
The CropVIEW®, is a camera system with integrated electronics (camera, modem, power source with solar panel). It can be installed wherever in the field needed.
Dualex is a leafclip sensor which measures chlorophyll and polyphenols content of plant leaves.
iMETOS 3.3 to najwyższy model stacji meteorologicznych firmy Pessl Instruments. Zapewnia niemalże nieograniczone możliwości rozbudowy o różnego rodzaju czujniki. Zasilanie z panela słonecznego. Najczęściej wybierana stacja meteo dla sadowników i rolników.
The wireless iMETOS ECO D3 is a solar panel and battery powered data logger, designed to work in harsh conditions and in all climate zones.
iMETOS MobiLab is the simple answer that integrates soil nutrient analysis into a single microfluidic chip.
iMETOS Object Tracker is an automatic tracking system used on non-powered objects, for example farm implements, toilet cabins and other rarely used or moved, but important farm equipment.
VIRTUAL WEATHER STATION – Local weather information for actionable results. Everywhere. Anytime.The indispensable partner for smart agriculture.
iSCOUT® is an insect trap with integrated electronics (camera system, modem, power source with solar panel) and sticky plate.
Every farmer knows how much rainfall, temperature and relative humidity can vary from field to field. For measuring this data, Pessl Instruments is introducing LoRAIN.
LoRATH is a new generation of weather stations that operate on LoRaWAN® or NBIoT network. It can be connected to any existing LoRaWAN® or NBIoT network, if present at your location.
MiniMETOS SOIL is a combination of most essential sensors for irrigation and stress management.
μMETOS CLIMA is a LPWAN weather station that operates on LoRaWAN® or NBIoT network. It can be connected to any existing LoRaWAN® or NBIoT network, if present at your location.
μMETOS SOIL is a LPWAN weather station that operates on LoRaWAN® or NBIoT network. It can be connected to any existing LoRaWAN® or NBIoT network, if present at your location.